Why Pastors Should Study at Ligonier Academy

If you are a pastor or missionary who is seeking a deeper knowledge of and greater competence in the practice of ministry, the standard advice is to enroll in a Doctor of Ministry program.
But which one?
Dozens of seminaries offer good Doctor of Ministry programs. Why, then, should you consider pursuing a D.Min. degree at Ligonier Academy? What is unique about the Doctor of Ministry program at Ligonier Academy?
First, the Ligonier Academy Doctor of Ministry program is focused. We are not offering courses on current trends and fads in the church. We are focused on helping pastors gain greater understanding and competence in the most important aspects of their ministry. We begin with a basic course explaining the Reformed Philosophy of Ministry. Students then take four courses on fundamental ministerial issues: preaching, worship, missions and evangelism, and pastoral care.
Second, the Ligonier Academy Doctor of Ministry program has a unique focus on biblical and theological studies. Every Ligonier Academy D.Min. student takes a course on the doctrine of justification. This important biblical doctrine comes under fire in every generation, and ministers need to be reminded of the basic issues involved in order that they might teach and defend the Gospel effectively. The Ligonier Academy D.Min. program also requires two classes titled respectively: Issues in Biblical Studies and Issues in Theological Studies. The topics of these two courses change each time they are taught. Their content depends on the professor who has been invited to teach. In the past, Issues in Theological Studies has included courses by Michael Horton on covenant theology and Robert Letham on the Trinity. Our first Issues in Biblical Studies course was a course on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament and was taught by Dr. D.A. Carson. Our next Issues in Biblical Studies course will be taught by Dr. T. Desmond Alexander, and the topic will be the development of Old Testament themes from Eden to Sinai and beyond.
Third, the Ligonier Academy Doctor of Ministry program is taught by a world-class faculty. In addition to Carson, Letham, Horton, and Alexander, we have offered courses by R.C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, Ron Gleason, Dennis Johnson, Steven Lawson, Mark Ross, and Derek Thomas. Among those we have joining us for upcoming courses are: Samuel Larsen and J.V. Fesko.
We truly believe that Ligonier Academy offers one of the finest Doctor of Ministry programs in the world. We invite you to join those who are already pursuing their degree here.