New Teaching Resources in Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, and More

The truths of the Christian faith are reaching more and more people around the globe as biblical discipleship resources are being translated into the world’s most-spoken languages. We’re pleased to share five resources that are now available in newly translated formats:
The Reformation Study Bible: Now Available in Portuguese The much anticipated Reformation Study Bible, Portuguese Edition is now available to order in a variety of cover styles. It is our hope that this new resource will help reach the 250+ million Portuguese speakers around the world with the life-giving truth of God’s Word.
Who Is Jesus? & Does Prayer Change Things?: Now Available in Hindi Who Is Jesus? and Does Prayer Change Things? from Dr. R.C. Sproul’s Crucial Questions booklet series are among the first printed titles to be translated into Hindi, a language spoken by more than 600 million people. These booklets are now being distributed to Hindi-speaking people in India and around the globe. Learn more about Ligonier’s Hindi outreach.
Dust to Glory: Old Testament: Now Available in Mandarin Chinese Dr. Sproul’s overview of the Old Testament has been dubbed in Mandarin Chinese, with options for subtitles in either simplified or traditional Chinese script. These messages are now available on our YouTube channel and Chinese website. Work is well underway on the New Testament messages.
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?: Now Available in Modern Hebrew What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?, from the Crucial Questions booklet series, is the first title from Dr. Sproul to be translated into Modern Hebrew. The publisher distributed free copies by request during the Jewish festival of Purim in Israel, which recently took place. Learn more about Ligonier’s gospel outreach in Modern Hebrew.
You Make Ministry Happen Your generous support helps translate, publish, and distribute biblical teaching that is grounded in the historic Christian faith, all so that more people in more places may be awakened to the holiness of God. Thank you.