Oct 11, 2023

Help Proclaim the Gospel among the Nations

4 Min Read

Do you recall Martin Luther’s testimony about the book of Romans? Dr. R.C. Sproul recounted it often. The life of this once-obscure Augustinian monk was forever changed when he grasped the gospel message within Romans. And we’ll send you a new teaching series that takes you deeply into the book of Romans when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier Ministries. More on that below.

Confidence in God’s merciful provision in Jesus Christ replaced Luther’s fear of God’s judgment. Personal faith in the living resurrected Christ supplanted cold, mechanistic reliance on priestly intermediaries between the sinner and Jesus. Luther joyfully embraced the reality of justification by faith alone—that he was declared righteous only by the perfect righteousness of Christ imputed to his account—and he was thereby equipped to stand courageously against the threats of popes, kings, and imperial councils.

When the truth of the gospel bursts the bonds of sin and death, our transformation follows. Rediscovering the gospel launched the Protestant Reformation; after the darkness of the late medieval period, the light shone again. And it all began with a study of Paul’s epistle to the Romans.

In our current era of darkness, Ligonier Ministries is tirelessly working worldwide to bring the light of the gospel to churches, families, and individuals so they can experience lasting reformation according to the Word of God. Your indispensable support of Ligonier’s mission sends gospel light to many people in many places, and we value your commitment.

Martin Luther said of Romans, “We can never read it or ponder over it too much; for the more we deal with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes.” So powerful and accessible is the gospel in Romans that many of the great movements of God in church history have begun as people have sat down to study this book.

Unfortunately, many today remain unaware of the profound truths embedded in Romans. (To spread news of these profound truths, your support helps us translate the Reformation Study Bible into other languages, with active projects in Arabic and French and more to come.) And tragically, many churches with ample access to the truth have nevertheless grown ashamed of the gospel, not proclaiming it boldly or even outright denying it to avoid offense.

The book of Romans vividly depicts our sins, the imputation of Christ’s righteousness by faith alone, and the Holy Spirit-guided life, reinforcing our confidence in the gospel. This book equips us with the courage that only the good news can provide so that we can declare with Paul that we are “not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16).

Gospel courage is lacking because knowledge of the gospel is lacking. This is why Ligonier has always made the gospel the center of our Bible-teaching outreach. By God’s grace, we refuse to be ashamed of the gospel or to compromise, and we’re working every day to proclaim this gospel to as many people as possible.

Your prayers and financial support make this ministry possible. Your gifts, joined with the contributions of others, help to:

That’s just a glimpse into the massive, global work Ligonier is engaged in to take the truth of Romans and the whole counsel of God to the world.

Romans is central to Ligonier’s outreach, and we remain devoted to crafting discipleship resources that delve into Paul’s message. To help you and millions of others mine the riches of Romans, we invited noted theologian and Bible teacher Dr. W. Robert Godfrey to walk us through this epistle. This expansive new teaching series, Not Ashamed: Paul’s Letter to the Romans, explains the gospel of grace with clarity and precision. We’ll send you a copy of this series on DVD when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier, and you’ll also receive digital access to the companion study guide and to stream all of the messages online.

Each time I revisit Romans, the gospel’s clarity strikes me anew, and God’s boundless mercy humbles me. I want to see all people experience the liberty that comes with knowing the teaching of Romans, and I know you do as well. Your gift to Ligonier this month, by God’s appointment, will help awaken more men and women to the truths of God’s holiness and grace presented in Romans.

Thank you for your faithful support.