Your Year-End Support Is Critical

Recently, we wrote to you about the great growth in Ligonier’s outreach that has occurred over the past year and the tremendous gospel opportunities that exist for 2023. In our day, characterized by so much global turmoil, the Lord continues to awaken people around the world to the truth of Christ and is stirring within them a hunger for God’s Word. Ligonier exists to help the church satisfy that hunger with Bible-teaching resources for every age and stage of the Christian life.
I am pleased, as Ligonier’s chairman, to tell you that your support has made it possible to reach millions of people each month in 2022 with trustworthy Bible teaching, and that demand for this unique ministry is growing. However, as Ligonier’s president, Chris Larson, said earlier this month, we aren’t looking only at what has been accomplished but also at what we can yet do together. Dr. R.C. Sproul, when hearing about a successful Ligonier initiative, always moved from gratitude to asking the question, “What’s next?” That is the question we’re asking now, knowing that with your assistance, we can proclaim historic Christian truth to even more people next year.
Mr. Larson’s recent update to you said that Ligonier must raise significant funds by the end of the year in order to press into the opportunities we already know about and to be prepared to respond to new occasions for ministry that God may providentially present in the months ahead. I’m happy to tell you that many of God’s people have responded, and we are nearing our fundraising goal. If you’ve already given this month, thank you for your gift. If not, I’m asking you to prayerfully consider giving a gift of any amount to help us reach the total needed. Every donation, large or small, makes a difference.
Together, we could potentially reach more people in the next five years than in the previous fifty-plus years of Ligonier’s work. That’s a thrilling prospect.
God is sure to save His people and grow His kingdom. Amazingly, He grants us the privilege of being part of that as we work together. When we pool our resources through a ministry such as Ligonier, we can do so much more than we can do individually. In God’s providence, Ligonier’s important work cannot move forward without the gifts and prayers of friends such as you.
Every gift, including yours, that we receive by December 31 will assist Christians here and abroad in growing in biblical truth. God is already using Ligonier to help believers come to a fuller awareness of His holiness and grace. You can be a part of this great gospel work with your gifts and prayers. Thank you.