You Can Help Reach Millions with God’s Truth

Your help today will enable Ligonier Ministries to move forward with gospel outreach to equip the church of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations.
We recently shared just a few of the stories we are hearing from the millions of people who are growing in their knowledge of God and His holiness through the outreaches you enable. It is only by the blessing of God as we work in partnership with friends like you that the mission of Ligonier can be fulfilled.
As Ligonier’s chairman, I am thrilled that you’ve helped reach more than fifty million people in 2021 with trusted discipleship resources. But I’ve challenged our president, Chris Larson, and the staff to push forward. Maintaining faithfulness to Dr. R.C. Sproul’s founding vision is critical. One thing I found encouraging about R.C. was his vision for serving more and more people. What he started in 1971 in an obscure part of Western Pennsylvania did not stay there. It has grown exponentially. I believe he’d say to us now, “Let’s reach even more people next year with the historic Christian faith.” And in God’s providence, Ligonier is poised to expand in 2022.
Mr. Larson’s recent update to you noted that we needed to raise a significant sum by December 31 to end the year positively and move financially well equipped into 2022. I’m pleased to share that many of God’s people have responded, and we are closer to reaching our goal. If you’ve already given, thank you for responding. If not, I am asking that you prayerfully give by year’s end to help reach the increasing global demand for Ligonier’s Bible teaching. Every gift helps.
R.C. told me that Ligonier was blessed with some of the most generous supporters in God’s kingdom. I’ve seen that firsthand, and that base of support has grown significantly over the past four years, enabling record ministry outreach expansion. Friends like you prove that with their sacrificial and visionary giving. Your year-end gift can help reach millions more in 2022.
Together, we’re doing much to serve the kingdom of God in obedience to our Lord’s Great Commission. Great courage is required in these difficult days for the church and in society at large. Only at the close of redemptive history will we see how far the Lord has used our co-laboring in ministry for the sake of the gospel.
In only the next few years, we can reach more people than we have ever reached in the ministry’s fifty-year history, but that will not happen without God’s people continuing to stand with us in this great work.
Every gift, including yours, that we receive by December 31, 2021, will assist underresourced Christians. God is using Ligonier to help many people around the world understand the truth and beauty of His holiness and grace. You can be a part of that with your gift by year’s end. Thank you.