A Trusted Study Tool for Growing Christians

You may be looking for a resource to help deepen your understanding of the Bible.
If so, Tabletalk magazine is one of the most important discipleship resources this ministry offers. We’ll send you a twelve-month subscription to Tabletalk when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier Ministries.
I first encountered Tabletalk magazine while in college, and I had never seen anything quite like it before—nor have I seen anything like it since. Thoughtful articles and insightful Bible study, all in a monthly magazine from a trusted editorial team teaching from a faithful and consistent theological perspective—Tabletalk is set apart. Dr. R.C. Sproul started this publication to encourage Christians in their daily growth, and it has flourished.
By God’s grace, Tabletalk has been read for decades by people around the world. It is a foundational part of many Christians’ study of the Scriptures. Its readers frequently tell us how much the magazine means to them. Brandon and Shasta from Tennessee recently told us:
“When we began receiving Tabletalk* on a trial basis, we thought, ‘We have to subscribe to this truth-filled magazine!’ God has grown us so much in His grace through this ministry. Thank you so much for all you do for Christ’s kingdom.”
May 2022 marks forty-five years of Tabletalk magazine. Today, the magazine is read by more than 260,000 people each month in more than seventy-five countries. Families and individuals use it for family and private worship and study—even when they’re traveling, helping them stay grounded in God’s Word. Your support equips local churches to deploy Tabletalk to be that Monday-through-Saturday help as they disciple the people under their care. Plus, military and prison chaplains are passing out copies by the thousands.
Why has Tabletalk enjoyed such a broad reach? Clearly, God, in His kindness, has blessed the teaching of His Word through Tabletalk. From a human perspective, I think Dr. Burk Parsons, longtime editor of Tabletalk, said it best when he noted that so many read its pages because “it’s not trying to do anything new or clever. It’s trying to give people a regular dose of biblical theology.”
One of the most important lessons I learned from R.C. was that we don’t need to be innovators when it comes to the Bible. In fact, we commit a grave error if we try to be new and flashy and add to or take away from God’s Word (Deut. 4:2). What we need is the unvarnished, unchanging truth of Scripture that has always sustained and nourished God’s people in every age.
Putting it plainly, to withstand the onslaught of worldly distractions and the tsunami of unbelieving assaults on the Christian faith, we need to be grounded in God’s Word. As Psalm 1 tells us, meditating on God’s Word gets it into our minds and hearts as the Holy Spirit works, rooting us firmly like the tree that stands fast and thrives beside a nourishing stream.
By God’s grace, Tabletalk seeks to help people become firmly rooted in Scripture. It is helping people do this in many places around the world. Taso from Australia tells us:
“I first heard of Ligonier from an American friend who gave me some Tabletalk issues. Now, Ligonier is the go-to place for my wife and me to learn about God and understand the Bible. This teaching has been pivotal in our daily walk with God and in ministering to others. Thank you for your invaluable work.”
Anita from Canada also explained how Tabletalk has benefited her family:
“This monthly magazine has helped us grow in our faith tremendously. There is such an abundance of knowledge and biblical information to read each month, and we see God working in our hearts and giving us renewed strength every day to live faithfully as His children.”
As Tabletalk celebrates its forty-fifth anniversary this month, support from donors and subscribers allows us to expand our service to hundreds of thousands of people. Your support underwrites a wealth of biblical content going around the world every month. Your gift now will assist us in keeping the magazine as affordable as possible, giving away hundreds of thousands of copies each year, and fueling Ligonier’s global Bible-teaching efforts. Plus, you’ll receive a twelve-month subscription with our thanks. I encourage you to take advantage of this offer, as I personally believe Tabletalk is one Ligonier resource that all people should have in their homes. Thank you.