The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts — Free eBook

Until the end of May, Reformation Trust is giving away the eBook edition of Douglas Bond's The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts.
In the latest addition to our A Long Line of Godly Men Profile series, Douglas Bond introduces us to Isaac Watts, "the father of English hymnody." Douglas Bond urges Christians to delight in the grandeur, beauty, and joy of Watts' poetry. We pray that you would regain a sense of God's majesty as we celebrate the God-given poetic wonder of Isaac Watts.
"Who among us has not had heart and mind stirred by a Watts hymn? Here we learn the story behind the hymns. We learn of a Christ-centered life, a doxological life. And from that wellspring has come the hymns we love to sing. Watts's hymns are a gift for the church, and so is this biography by Douglas Bond."
—Dr. Stephen J. Nichols
"We all know and love 'Joy to the World,' 'Jesus Shall Reign,' 'Alas and Did My Savior Bleed,' 'When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,' 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past,' and a host of his other compositions. And yet, most Christians know precious little about the author of these great hymn texts—the man history has dubbed as the 'Father of English Hymnody.' At least, until now. Thanks to the prolific and eloquent pen of Douglas Bond, we now have an insightful glimpse into the life, the faith, and the poetic wonder of this remarkable servant of the church: Isaac Watts. This delightful book needs to be put at the top of your must-read list."
—Dr. George Grant
Available in May as a Free Download
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Offer expires May 31, 2014.