People like Esther Need Your Support Today
You are involved in vital outreach through Ligonier Ministries. I wish I could share all the testimonies that we receive daily about the impact that your support makes possible. Be encouraged. God is using you. As a taste, I want to tell you about Esther, an international student studying here in the United States.
When her campus closed because of the global health situation, Esther writes, “By the providence of God, I stumbled upon Ligonier’s website and Renewing Your Mind’s podcast.” Esther says that these resources from Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier helped “provide clarity for many of [her] theological questions” and “prompted [her] to examine [her] faith further.”
That’s not all. Esther also says, “As a result, I’ve decided to change some life plans and am now attending a seminary to pursue a master’s in Apologetics. . . . I pray that this ministry will be blessed and be a blessing to many more.” Finally, she notes, “I’m excited to discover the Mandarin version of Ligonier! We need more solid teaching in Asia.”
Thousands upon thousands of people have recently begun a journey similar to Esther’s, and it’s all made possible through the generosity of friends such as you. Just think about this: if the Lord sustains the current trajectory of growth for Ligonier, more people will be served in the next five years than have been so far in our now fifty-year history. That’s astounding.
As the West finds itself in the midst of what some have called “cancel culture,” we praise God that the gospel of our risen Savior can never be canceled. Psalm 2 encourages us to have the proper eternal perspective when the nations rage and plot against the Lord. Together, the body of Christ must strategically continue to serve the church in the West, strengthening what remains (Rev. 3:2). Yet, this is not the situation everywhere. Isn’t it remarkable to consider the appetite for God’s truth in the Global South? The ministry opportunity is beyond what many of us have ever seen before. We are pressing into this gap as God provides the opportunities and the resources.
By God’s grace, so much outreach has already happened in 2021. But as you know, giving in support of ministry can often slow during the summer months. As our board prepares to meet at the end of July to check on our progress, we are carefully monitoring our funding needs and may need to reevaluate our plans for the rest of the year depending on donor response.
This is not a time to pull back. It’s my firm conviction that we are in one of the most critical moments of church history. The Lord is moving around the world, and vast numbers of people are professing Christ for the first time. But if these people aren’t adequately discipled in God’s truth, false teaching and heresy will spread and lives may not be ordered according to God’s Word. We don’t want to slow down our outreach at Ligonier. Indeed, this work must not slow, because the enemy has no intention of letting up on his attacks.
In only the last few months, faithful friends such as you have made it possible to:
- complete the Farsi translation of Foundations, Dr. Sproul’s sixty-message overview of systematic theology, for broadcast throughout Iran via satellite TV, followed by the translation of his series Justified by Faith Alone, which will be finished this month;
- launch Ligonier’s dedicated-language outreach in Hindi;
- see the Ligonier app surpass one million downloads;
- go back to the printer for the third printing of the Reformation Study Bible in Spanish;
- finalize the Portuguese version of the Reformation Study Bible for release this summer;
- continue on pace to exceed the translation of three million words of trusted teaching in 2021 by year’s end;
- serve the global church through our 2021 National Conference, which was seen by close to 250,000 people online in English, Spanish, and Portuguese—our largest streaming event ever; and
- move toward releasing the first wave of upgrades to, with further expansion planned through 2021 and into 2022 as we seek to make it the unparalleled learning and discipleship platform for growing Christians everywhere.
Jesus Christ is building His church around the world. All authority has been given to Him, and He is with His people every day (Matt. 28:20).
What a privilege to be a part of His work to raise up disciples as we proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God. There’s much good we can do together as we seek to reach as many people as possible. Let’s send even more discipleship resources out in the coming months. Your commitment to a monthly gift before June 30 is greatly needed to help us meet and exceed the outreach expansion I’ve just outlined, laying a foundation for more ministry. Every gift is used by the Lord, and your monthly generosity can reach many people like Esther.
Thank you for your cheerful generosity. Soli Deo gloria—To God alone be the glory!