No Compromise: 2013 National Conference Preview — Alistair Begg and Steven Lawson

In just over two weeks thousands will gather in Orlando for our 2013 National Conference. These three days will be a call to stand with conviction, not bending with the winds of relativism and faithlessness.
Leading up to the conference we're giving you a preview of who will be teaching and what they'll be teaching on.
Dr. Alistair Begg serves as senior minister of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, having also served as a pastor in Scotland before that. He is president of Truth for Life, can be heard teaching daily on the radio program Truth for Life, and has written many books.
All of Dr. Begg's past Ligonier conference messages can be found here, however, below is his message from our 2010 National Conference in which he explained what the Bible teaches about the exclusivity of Christ.
In addition to a questions and answers session, this year Dr. Begg will be speaking at two sessions:
Session 3 — Preach the Word
Many Christians today have been placed on a spiritual "bread-and-water" diet—an endless succession of personal anecdotes and manipulative techniques rather than the living and powerful Word of God preached. In this message, Dr. Alistair Begg will affirm the power and necessity of biblical preaching, explaining how the foolishness of preaching is God's appointed method for reaching the lost and feeding the sheep.
Session 7 — Have Mercy
Despite the fact that Jesus associated with the sick, the sinful, and the socially outcast, many Christians have adopted an attitude similar to the Pharisees, who shunned those they deemed unworthy of compassion. In this message, Dr. Alistair Begg will call upon the church to practice true mercy toward those outside the church, reminding us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. He will explain how the local church is to serve its members and reach out to those in its local community.
Dr. Steven Lawson is senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, board member and teaching fellow for Ligonier, and visiting professor in the Doctor of Ministry program at Ligonier Academy. He is the founder of OnePassion Ministries, serves on the board of directors for The Master's College and Seminary, and is also the author of many books.
Dr. Lawson has spoken at many Ligonier conferences. You can find his past messages here, however, below is his message from last year's National Conference in which he explained how we must walk a fine line and never accommodate the gospel in an attempt to please the cultured despisers of Christianity.
In addition to questions and answers sessions, this year Dr. Lawson will be speaking at one main session and one optional session:
Session 4 — Here I Stand
In every generation, new attacks on the veracity of Scripture arise, and the church faces a choice. Will she stand firm on the inspired Word of God, or will she capitulate to the Spirit of the Age? In this message, Dr. Steven Lawson explains why the church must never compromise her commitment to the inspired and inerrant Word of God, but rather remain firm in the face of all challenges.
Dr. Lawson will be speaking on the subject of his book, The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther.
We invite you to come and hear Alistair Begg and Steven Lawson at our 2013 National Conference, "No Compromise." Register today and save $20.