Help Sustain Ligonier's Momentum into 2012

It's almost the end of the race. The runners are making their final push for the finish line. Their legs hurt and they are tired, but they don't let this slow them down. In fact, they work harder to increase their speed and take advantage of the momentum they have in order to propel themselves to victory.
As we approach the end of 2011, I am well aware that though the past year’s leg of the race is almost over, the race as a whole isn’t finished yet. As Christians we are in a race that will last until Jesus returns. Each year is but another leg in our goal to make disciples of all nations. Moving from one leg to the next requires us not to think on the circumstances that might slow us down but to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities we see around us. We must run faster, better, and smarter.
Ligonier Ministries is committed to teaching the world all that Jesus commands, and we want to sustain our momentum into 2012, the next leg of our race.
Momentum for the recovery and proclamation of historic, biblical orthodoxy is building, and we don’t want to refuse anyone who asks us for help. Even as our outreach increases, so do our costs.
There is a growing hunger for the truth of God’s Word that I have rarely seen in my life. We can barely keep up with the new contacts who want our teaching materials. Families, church leaders, prisoners, military chaplains, residents of poorer countries in Latin America and Asia, and many others are asking for our help. Christian leaders around the world are asking us to help train them for God-centered ministry.
By God’s grace, Ligonier Ministries has proclaimed the glorious truth of God’s sovereignty since 1971, and we need your help before December 31, 2011, to continue this work at full strength in 2012.
Now is not the time to take a breather but to press on in service to God and His kingdom. He is working all things according to the counsel of His will (Eph. 1:11), and He is rekindling the desire for His truth in a world that often seems impossibly dark to us. Let’s seize this moment.
Friends like you enable us to seize the moment and take advantage of the momentum we are seeing. As our outreach increases, so does the expense of proclaiming God’s truth to the world. You can help Ligonier meet its year-end budget need of $2,145,791 by December 31, 2011 so that we can start off the next leg of the race in 2012 on the right foot. If you are blessed by Ligonier and understand the critical need for solid teaching, can you help us by making a secure donation here?
Ligonier’s commitment to teaching the whole counsel of God — even the truth of His sovereign grace — puts us in a unique position to help satisfy this hunger.
This is a donor-supported ministry that God faithfully sustains through the gifts and prayers of committed people like you who want the church to reclaim a proper, biblical understanding of the Lord’s majesty. By standing with us through your gifts and prayers at the end of 2011, you will help us accomplish the following goals in 2012:
- fund vital new outreaches into Asia, Africa, and Spanish-speaking countries so that we can serve fellow believers in the regions where Christianity is growing the fastest
- expand our free online learning library of audio, video, and articles
- sustain the Renewing Your Mind program on 300 radio stations across the country and around the world through radio and internet outreach
- release new books and video series to equip growing Christians
- undergird our many conferences and seminars and educate students for Christian service at Reformation Bible College
- put Tabletalk magazine into the hands of military chaplains, prisoners, and translate it into other languages.
Your gifts and prayers send forth the life-changing Word of God to people like Shawn. He recently described Ligonier’s impact on his life:
"Your material was critical to my growth as a Christian in college. You helped me to see the majesty and glory of God and communicate His greatness to others. Continue in what you do, for this information needs to become commonplace for the laity so that we will have more laborers fully equipped for the work of our Lord."
This energizes me. As a co-laborer in the Lord, I am asking for your help to close Ligonier Ministries’ budget gap by December 31, 2011. Your support will encourage us to continue serving so many who depend on Ligonier to help them grow into a deeper knowledge of God’s sovereignty. Thank you for standing with us.
Your servant in Christ,
P.S. It is critical that we receive a total of $2,145,791 by December 31, 2011, to finish the year strongly and position Ligonier to continue proclaiming God’s sovereignty in 2012. Your tax-deductible year-end gift will help us meet this goal. Thank you.