The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon—Free eBook

During the month of November, Reformation Trust is giving away the eBook edition of Steven Lawson's The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon.
Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher of nineteenth-century London, is remembered today as "the prince of preachers." However, the strength of Spurgeon's ministry went far beyond simple rhetorical skill. In The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, Steven Lawson shows that Spurgeon fearlessly taught the doctrines of grace and simultaneously held forth the free offer of salvation in Jesus Christ.
This book is a passionate call for all Christians to follow Spurgeon in maintaining the proper balance between divine sovereignty in salvation and fiery passion in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Steve Lawson, a great preacher in his own right, has emerged as our generation's finest biographer of great preachers. His works on John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards are both masterpieces. Steve has a knack for pointing out and explaining the outstanding traits that made each of these unique preachers truly important and influential. This work on Charles Spurgeon is likewise brilliant, highlighting Spurgeon's Calvinistic convictions alongside his evangelistic zeal... A riveting work, this book will fuel your enthusiasm for both sound doctrine and earnest evangelism."
—John MacArthur
"Spurgeon's ministry is legendary, but what animated and motivated his life and ministry is often overlooked. With ample extracts from Spurgeon's own writings and sermons, this book reveals how the gospel of Jesus Christ provided both the power and content of his preaching. Far from being a distraction to the gospel, those doctrines that are historically known as Calvinism caused Spurgeon to understand the person and work of Jesus more clearly and preach Christ more passionately."
—Thomas Ascol
Download the ePub edition from the Ligonier Store.
All download options:
- The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon (ePub)
- The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon (MOBI / Kindle)
- The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon (iTunes)
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Offer expires November 30, 2013.