Google Hangout with Sinclair Ferguson: Life, Pastoral Ministry, & The Church

1 Min Read
As we seek to leverage new technology for the advancement of God's Kingdom, this year we're hosting several live Google Hangouts with Christian leaders.
Google Hangout with Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, September 27, 2013 at 12PM ET
On September 27, we were joined by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, Ligonier Teaching Fellow and former senior minister of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C., for a conversation on pastoral ministry, some of the concerns facing the evangelical church, and an update on what ministry looks like for him since his retirement. You can re-watch the Google Hangout here or below.
What is a Google Hangout?
These "Hangouts" are video broadcasts that you can watch live via our blog, our YouTube channel, or our Google+ page. If you can't watch live, these Google Hangouts will be immediately available for you to replay here on the blog.