Get 'Predestination' and 'Chosen By God' for a Gift of Any Amount
Every day on our Renewing Your Mind broadcast we provide an opportunity for listeners to receive a biblically enriching resource for a gift of any amount and at the same time support the ongoing work of Ligonier Ministries. Occasionally, we highlight one of these offers on the blog.
Until Friday, you can get R.C. Sproul's teaching series Predestination on CD for a donation of any amount. As a bonus, you'll also receive the pocket size edition of Chosen By God.
Predestination CD
In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul discusses key Scriptural texts that deal with the doctrine of predestination and addresses common objections to it. He explores what the word means and how it differs from foreknowledge. He applies vital truth about God's sovereignty, grace, justice, and mercy to help us grasp the sweetness of God's choice in election.
Chosen By God Pocket Size
Predestination is a debated topic. Yet the Bible is clear about the doctrine of election and its importance to our perspectives on God and man, and the nature of their contributions to salvation.
Because of the widespread neglect of this doctrine, many people cite Chosen By God not only as their introduction to Dr. Sproul's teaching, but also as the resource that profoundly shifted their attention to an understanding of the predestining grace of God. Dr. Sproul shows how election is entirely compatible with human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. One of Ligonier's most significant and popular books, Chosen by God shows why all serious Christians cannot afford to ignore this important biblical doctrine, but instead should embrace God's initiative in Salvation.
Get get R.C. Sproul's teaching series Predestination on CD and the pocket size edition of Chosen By God for a donation of any amount.