Fuel the Spread of Bible Teaching around the World

You likely have great affection for your pastor. Most Christians do. It is fitting that we love and support pastors. As Christ’s undershepherds, they feed us with the life-giving truth of God’s Word.
When you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier Ministries this month, you will get a taste of the feast that Dr. R.C. Sproul provided to His congregation, because we’ll send you his new commentary on Ephesians as soon as it comes off the presses in the new year. More on that below.
At Ligonier, I worked under the leadership of Dr. Sproul for thirteen years before he went home to be with the Lord. But R.C. was not only my teacher, mentor, overseer, and friend—he was my pastor. I always learned something when I sat down with him, whether in a Q&A session at a conference or during a staff meeting at Ligonier. However, I learned the most from him when my family and I sat under his preaching ministry at Saint Andrew’s Chapel every Lord’s Day.
Week after week, R.C. took the congregation verse by verse through whole books of the Bible. He was committed to expository preaching, covering the entirety of a particular book of Scripture before moving on to the next. R.C. did this to make sure we received the whole counsel of God and not merely whatever topic was on his mind. He explained the text, probed its theology, and gave practical application of the verses he was preaching in light of the rest of Scripture.
R.C. embedded a concern for everything the Bible teaches into the DNA of Ligonier. That’s why, in all of Ligonier’s teaching, we strive to bring people back to the Word of God, the only infallible source of saving truth that the Lord has given us.
R.C. said, “We have to determine our theology from the Word of God, not from what we feel.” We don’t determine what we believe about God by looking to the culture or considering what we’d like the Bible to teach. In this way, R.C. regularly reminded us that it is our job to proclaim what the Bible teaches above all else.
God’s people go astray when they stop looking to the Bible as the supreme authority for life and doctrine. Thus, Ligonier continues to make sound Bible exposition the center of our work.
Our commitment to teaching the Bible is the reason we publish a monthly Bible study magazine, Tabletalk, that does more than give readers a good thought for the day. It’s why Dr. Sproul assembled a team of scholars to produce the Reformation Study Bible and why we’re working to make this unparalleled resource available in many of the most-spoken languages in the world.
Additionally, Ligonier hosts conferences because we want to teach the Bible in person, and we record and distribute teaching series to assist Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, homeschool instructors, and others in teaching God’s Word. We’ve made Ligonier.org a daily destination for Bible study so that families and churches around the world can access our teaching, and we record podcasts so that individuals can access sound biblical instruction at home and while they’re traveling. We’re equipping the next generation with formal theological education at Reformation Bible College so that the church can have well-prepared pastors, teachers, missionaries, parents, and others to instruct them in the Scriptures for future generations.
I believe the Lord has raised Ligonier’s unique outreach in this generation to meet the great need for uncompromised biblical truth that is suitable for every age and every stage of the Christian life. Won’t you help us build the world’s most extensive discipleship library that is faithful to God’s Word and true to the historic Christian faith? In God’s providence, we can’t accomplish this great work without you. And will you pray that the Lord will use these teaching resources to spark further reformation in His church?
One fruit of our work has been Dr. Sproul’s expositional commentary series. These timeless teachings on many books of the Bible are drawn from R.C.’s sermons. Having heard many of these sermons when they were first preached, I love returning to Dr. Sproul’s memorable insights in a written format. We’re about to release the newest volume in this series: Ephesians, wherein R.C. takes us through one of his favorite books of the New Testament. We want you to be among the first to have it when it releases in the new year. To thank you for your commitment to Ligonier’s Bible teaching outreach, we’ll send you a copy of Ephesians: An Expositional Commentary when you give a gift of any amount.
Ligonier depends on like-minded friends such as you to carry on Dr. Sproul’s vision that all Christians may receive comprehensive instruction in the things of God. Your support this month matters. Thank you.