Ferguson, Godfrey, Lawson, Mohler and Sproul on Evolution, Politics, Pornography, and More
One highlight of our conferences is the opportunity to gather great minds for a time of questions and answers.
At our 2012 National Conference on the subject of "The Christian Mind," R.C. Sproul was joined by Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, and Albert Mohler for our first questions and answers session. Below you'll find the questions they were asked. Using the timestamp you can skip forward to hear a specific answer.
How do we instill a desire in our pastors and church leaders to engage science? 0:00-6:28
How do I grow in the knowledge of God's truth in an environment that is openly hostile to it? 6:29-10:17
How should Christians address evolution? 10:18-15:57
How do we present the truth of the Bible to Catholics, Muslims, and other religions in a loving way without being confrontational? 15:58-18:08
Why should we trust in the authority of the Bible over other sacred writings? 18:09-28:47
Is it a sin for a Christian to vote for a Mormon or a Roman Catholic for President of the United States? 28:48-32:56
I'm concerned that if we shelter our children too much from our society during their eduction, they will not know how to deal with people who disagree with them. Shouldn't we prepare our children so that as young adults they will be courageous? 32:57-36:30
Can we say our rights that are bestowed to us by God are truly self-evident and the concept of inalienable rights have any foundation or stability apart from God or His Word as it is revealed? 36:31-41:18
Do you believe that embracing postmillennialism leads to anti-intellectualism considering that some of the greater minds have held this belief? 41:19-42:24
What can the local church do to address the rampant problem of Christian men who struggle with or addicted to pornography? 41:25-46:50
Purchase or stream the other sessions from our 2012 National Conference.