Discover the Global Impact of Your Support

Trusted biblical teaching is reaching people around the world as Ligonier’s discipleship resources are being translated into the most-spoken languages. We’re pleased to share newly translated resources and updates from Ligonier’s global outreach:
Newly Translated Resources in Arabic
Two of Dr. R.C. Sproul’s children’s books are now available in Arabic: The Lightlings and The Priest with Dirty Clothes. These are the first Arabic editions of Dr. Sproul’s children’s titles. In addition, Dr. Sproul’s teaching series Pleasing God has been dubbed in Arabic. The video messages are freely available on Ligonier’s Arabic website and YouTube channel.
Update on French Discipleship Resources
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey’s book Learning to Love the Psalms is now available in French. In addition, copies of the French edition of Everyone’s a Theologian by Dr. Sproul were distributed to pastors in Togo, West Africa, in October. Learn more about Ligonier’s French outreach today.
Surprised by Suffering: Now Available in Ukrainian and Mandarin Chinese
Dr. Sproul’s classic book Surprised by Suffering is now available on Ligonier’s Ukrainian website, and it is being distributed within the country. The Surprised by Suffering audiobook is also newly available in Mandarin Chinese. Please join us in praying that God will use this discipleship resource to encourage Mandarin Chinese and Ukrainian-speaking Christians.
Lessons from the Upper Room: Now Available in Farsi and Portuguese
In Lessons from the Upper Room, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson draws readers into the intimate hours from the night when Jesus was betrayed. The teaching series and companion book are now available for free download on our Farsi dedicated-language website. In addition, the book has been released in Portuguese.
Everyone’s a Theologian: Now Available in Romanian
Everyone’s a Theologian— Dr. Sproul’s classic introduction to systematic theology—has been published in Romanian. This is the eleventh translated edition of this title. Six of Dr. Sproul’s hymns, with music by Jeff Lippencott, are also now available for the Romanian-speaking church.
Reformation Study Bible Distribution in India
We give thanks to God that more than 3,000 copies of the Reformation Study Bible have been distributed across India this year, including at two major pastors’ conferences.
Explore and Share Our Dedicated-Language Websites
Ligonier is regularly adding translated and dubbed teaching to our websites in Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Urdu. We encourage you to share these dedicated-language websites widely so more people can benefit from these ever-expanding libraries of discipleship resources.