2014 West Coast Conference Preview — Steven Lawson
Dr. Steven Lawson is founder and president of OnePassion Ministries, a ministry designed to bring about biblical reformation in the church today, and former senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Ala. He is a teaching fellow for and serves on the board of Ligonier Ministries and the Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies, and is professor of preaching at The Master's Seminary.
In addition to a bonus session looking at his recent book, The Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield, here's a preview of what Dr. Lawson will be addressing next month at our 2014 West Coast Conference.
To the World, Folly and a Stumbling Block
While the church today struggles in the face of anti-Christian opposition, this is not something new. Working out of 1 Corinthians 1:23, Dr. Steven Lawson will remind us in this session that we face the same kinds of struggles today that the church at Corinth faced two thousand years ago. Like them, we face objections to two fundamental truths of our message: the reality of sin and the notion that Jesus alone can save. Dr. Lawson will insist, as Paul did, that we cannot negotiate either truth.
The Moment of Truth
One of the defining features of our post-Christian culture is the embrace of what we might call "philosophical relativism." The prevailing view today is that there are no absolute truths. There is only "my truth" and "your truth," but there are no "true truths," to borrow Francis Schaeffer's language. In this session, Dr. Steven Lawson will expose the absurdity and self-defeating nature of denying absolute truth, and also point us toward the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
You can listen to all of Dr. Lawson's past conference messages here. Below is his message "Feet Firmly Planted in Midair" from our 2013 National Conference in which he reminded us of God's call to stand for the unchanging absolute truth of His Word.
**2014 West Coast Conference
Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture
Registration | Speakers | Schedule | Trailer
June 6-7, 2014, we will host our West Coast conference in Seattle, WA. The conference theme is "Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture." Please consider joining Drs. Steven Lawson, Stephen Meyer, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, and R.C. Sproul Jr. as they address modern challenges to the Christian and how we may effectively witness to the truth in a society that seems determined to overthrow every connection to its Christian heritage. Register today and save $20.