May 7, 2014

2014 West Coast Conference Preview — Albert Mohler

2 Min Read

Dr. Albert Mohler is president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and one of the most prominent intellectual leaders of evangelicalism today. Dr. Mohler offers biblical commentary on the issues of our day on the website and in his daily podcast The Briefing.

Here's a preview of what Dr. Mohler will be addressing next month at our 2014 West Coast Conference.

Sexual Devolution

The sexual revolution of the 1960s has been portrayed as a time of sexual liberation. In reality, this wholesale embrace of moral relativism resulted in a culture that is enslaved to its sexual lusts. Like all revolutions, it has left destruction in its wake. In this session, Dr. Albert Mohler will examine some of the consequences of the sexual revolution, including rampant divorce and the destruction of families, gender confusion, acceptance of homosexuality, child molestation, and sex trafficking. In addition, he will call Christians to stand for moral absolutes in the face of persecution.

Welcome to the Machine

When a culture rejects God, it always replaces Him with something else. For many in our post-Christian culture, the new "god" is science, the new priests (those whom we must not question) are the scientists, and the new religion is a materialistic scientism. In this session, Dr. Albert Mohler will explore the changing place of science in our culture and explain how Christians should respond to the claims of science.

All of Dr. Mohler's past conference messages can be found here. However, below is his message titled "Out of this World" from this year's National Conference in which he affirmed that although our beliefs have been marginalized, our faith continues to impact the whole world.

**2014 West Coast Conference
Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture

Registration | Speakers | Schedule | Trailer

June 6-7, 2014, we will host our West Coast conference in Seattle, WA. The conference theme is "Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture." Please consider joining Drs. Steven Lawson, Stephen Meyer, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, and R.C. Sproul Jr. as they address modern challenges to the Christian and how we may effectively witness to the truth in a society that seems determined to overthrow every connection to its Christian heritage. Register today and save $20.