Jan 3, 2014

R.C. Sproul & Lee Webb Discuss the Theme of Our 2014 National Conference: Overcoming the World

1 Min Read

On today's broadcast of Renewing Your Mind, R.C. Sproul and Lee Webb discuss the topics, speakers, and purpose of our 2014 National Conference, Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture. We hope you can join us in Orlando this March 13-15. Early bird rate ends soon. Register today and save $50.

Listen to today's conversation below or online at Ligonier.org/RYM.

**2014 National Conference
Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture

Registration | Speakers | Schedule | Invitation (Video)

On March 13–15, 2014, we will host our annual conference in Orlando, Fla. Our theme is "Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture." Please consider joining us as we look to God's Word, considering Christ's victory over the world, what it means to be in the world but not of the world, how we are to engage non-Christian worldviews, and other topics. Register today and save $50.