You’re Helping Christians in Iran

God’s Word changes lives. Thanks to the support of ministry friends like you, the Lord is using Ligonier’s Bible teaching to bring clarity to Christians throughout the world, even in places where the church endures significant opposition. Recently, Dariush contacted us to express his gratitude as Ligonier’s Farsi-translated resources serve networks of house churches in Iran:
“In the last few weeks, I found two books by Dr. Sproul— The Holiness of God and Everyone’s a Theologian —on Ligonier’s Farsi website. Both are very good, things that we never heard before. Everyone’s a Theologian is the best book on systematic theology ever translated into Farsi. It is a very easy read and understandable. I plan to share it with our house churches. I thank God for your ministry.”
In God’s providence, your prayers and financial support are helping to equip Dariush and many others to live and think biblically. As Ligonier seeks to reach more people with trusted teaching in the next five years than during the past fifty years combined, your generous support will help pave the way for greater outreach. All donations made before December 31 at 11:30 p.m. ET are tax deductible as allowed by law. Thank you for providing life-changing teaching to growing Christians around the world.