Your Support Serves People Like Ron
The Lord changes lives by His Word and Spirit. Through the timeless truth of Scripture, God transforms our understanding of who He is, who we are, and how He calls us to live in this world.
Ron recently contacted Ligonier Ministries to share how our trusted Bible teaching is equipping him to serve the Lord faithfully in all of life:
“I have learned so much from Renewing Your Mind, from Tabletalk magazine, and from all the messages I eagerly await from Ligonier every month. I can’t say enough about how much I have learned from you or about how your teaching has given me the knowledge and confidence to discuss matters of faith, theology, and morality in the public square.”
Ligonier’s gospel outreach aims to foster life-changing encounters with the truth of God. Your prayers and financial support are vital for serving even more people like Ron all around the world. During the summer months, non-profit giving often slows even as demand for Ligonier’s teaching continues to rise worldwide. Please consider a donation by June 30 so that more people in more places and languages can receive the life-changing truth of God.
With your help, we can meet our summer financial need and continue reaching the nations with needed truth. Thank you for standing with Ligonier in pursuit of a global awakening to the holiness of God.