Your Support Impacts People like Babak

Thanks to friends like you, people around the world are being awakened to the holiness of God and the grace of His gospel. Recently, Babak from Iran described the impact that Ligonier’s Bible teaching has had on him and other Farsi speakers.
“Having Ligonier resources available in Farsi is an answer to prayer. For a long time, we were praying that the Lord would provide solid Reformed resources for Farsi-speaking believers, and now we have received the answer. We use these materials for personal study and in our small groups. We are so blessed, and we pray for Ligonier Ministries. We are praying that we can eventually have access to the entire Ligonier library in Farsi.”
By God’s grace, your prayers and financial support make it possible to support growing Christians with trustworthy teaching from God’s Word. As Ligonier prepares to enter a new year of gospel outreach, would you prayerfully consider giving to help impact more people like Babak? All donations made before December 31 at 11:30 p.m. ET are tax deductible. Thank you for your generous support that equips Christians around the world to think and live biblically.