You Can Send More Teaching to More People in 2019

As Christians, we come to our Father knowing that He has provided for us. He is generous and intends good for His people. The grace of God in Jesus Christ provides all we need to bear with this world’s troubles and our failures.
This is why the Apostle Paul could exclaim, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Cor. 9:15). If you’re anything like me, you might start to think that finishing the race of this life well depends on our own strength. But the reality is that we’ll lose our grip if we think we’re the ones holding on to Jesus. He holds on to us.
You and I saw this reality in the life and ministry of Dr. Sproul. If you were a student of his for any amount of time, you know that he clung to the precious, simple, beautiful gospel and finished his race well, to the glory of God. R.C. knew Jesus spoke the truth. And he wanted more people to experience the joy of knowing God and making Him known.
We’re days away from starting a new year of gospel outreach through Ligonier Ministries. What R.C. started in 1971 has flourished and expanded over the past twelve months. God used R.C., and God is using you and the team at Ligonier to continue doing faithful ministry around the world. Your prayers and donations are crucial.
A few weeks ago, we let you know about our year-end need, and I’m pleased to report that we’ve raised more than half of this goal. We are praying that we will exceed our goal, which will allow even more trustworthy Bible teaching to be sent to even more people. Your gift of any amount will help us to close the gap, move into 2019 with strength, and reach as many people as possible around the world with God’s truth.
If you’ve given already, thank you for your help. If you haven’t been able to give yet, please prayerfully consider supporting this vital work before year’s end. Every gift makes it possible for us to proclaim the good news of God’s holiness and grace to even more people. Thank you.
P.S. — Your gift, no matter its size, encourages our work and is an investment in God’s kingdom. Every donation received by midnight on December 31 is tax deductible and makes ministry happen. Thank you.