The Year in Books
In this month's issue of Tabletalk, Keith Mathison looks at some notable books that were published in 2010. Here's how he begins his column: "I have always enjoyed recommending books, and for the final “Beyond the Wicket Gate” column of 2010, I thought it might be helpful to share some of the significant books that have been published so far this year, books that you may not have heard about but should consider reading. This list is not exhaustive. I have not seen all of the books published this year, and even if I had, it is humanly impossible to read them all. It is inevitable, therefore, that there will be great books missing from this list. Furthermore, since I am writing several months before this column will be published, I will miss some of those books published later in the year."
Read The Year in Books to see the books that stood out in 2010.