Will Your Beliefs Stand the Test of Time?
You and I are bound to a sacred calling: to profess and proclaim the unvarnished truth of God in a world that is increasingly hostile to such a message.
We live in a culture that hates objective truth, especially when it stands in direct opposition to the spirit of our age and the secularistic way in which people think and live. Many people today would rather hear blatant falsehood than hear what is true because false ideas affirm and applaud sinful lifestyles and ways of thinking—false ideas about God and man, identity and ethics, and right and wrong.
If we do not stand our ground for the truth, then we capitulate to a corrupted culture that is clamoring for us to be silent—and that is precisely what is happening everywhere. Sadly, many professing Christians, even many pastors and churches, have begun to open their minds to distortions and close their mouths from proclaiming the truth of God’s Word. Right thinking is scorned when people are addicted to falsehood. Truth hits people right between the eyes and cuts to the heart, calling them to repent and believe.
We are Christians because, by the grace of God, we believe and trust in the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. We have been set free by the Spirit of truth and are sanctified by His Word so that we might praise the God of truth and proclaim His Word to our neighbors. However, if we do not guard the truth for the next generation, people might not know the truth because they might not know where to find it. Many churches have not earnestly contended for the faith once delivered to the saints and have not guarded the faith for the next generation.
Throughout history, the primary way the church has guarded the faith is through our historic creeds and confessions. That is precisely how we do it today: looking to the trusted confessions of our faithful forefathers in order that our children and grandchildren might not be led astray by every wind of doctrine and the cunning craftiness of false teachers.
The truth must be guarded so that the coming generations might hear it, know it, believe it, and proclaim it, so that the one true God may be known and glorified. We must not give mere lip-service to our creeds and confessions. On the contrary, we must heartily believe and confess the truths contained within them. True Christianity is confessional Christianity.
By God’s grace, we at Ligonier Ministries strive to guard the truth of God for the coming generations by standing on the historic creeds and confessions of the church. These concise summaries of biblical revelation are like maps that were written by those who have gone before us, pointing us in the right direction and guiding us along the way so that we might not stumble into theological pitfalls. Ligonier is committed to helping the church fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ without theological compromise. Through Tabletalk magazine, Reformation Trust books, national and international events, daily Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, podcasts, and many other growing outreaches, we are constantly working to serve our Lord and His church by proclaiming His truth to the ends of the earth.
When you support Ligonier this month with a gift of any amount, we will send you Truths We Confess, Dr. Sproul’s new, single-volume commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith. This thoroughly revised edition of Dr. Sproul’s work was one of the last projects he worked on before going home to be with the Lord. I trust that it will help you better understand and guard the truth of Scripture.
By supporting Ligonier, you are working with us as we strive together to proclaim and guard the truth for coming generations—until our Lord returns—all by His grace and all for His glory alone.
P.S. Dr. Sproul valued the Westminster Confession of Faith as a comprehensive statement of biblical Christianity. This month, you can receive his line-by-line exposition of the confession, Truths We Confess, as our thanks for your donation of any amount. Thank you for striving with us to guard and proclaim the truth of God’s Word.