Read Now: What Is Transgenderism?

1 Min Read
“The modern invention of transgenderism reframes sinful deeds and desires of the flesh in worldly or therapeutic terms. This betrays the power of God’s election, Christ’s redemption, and the Spirit’s comfort. It rewrites the gospel, entangles the church in foolish debates, and confuses our young people. This is the situation in which we find the evangelical church today. We must learn to be content in God and unsatisfied in the world as we define our identity in light of Scripture alone…”
Read more from Dr. Rosaria Butterfield to better understand the topic of transgenderism from a biblical perspective. You can also view and share this excerpt in the free Ligonier app.
Read More on Gender and Sexuality
This excerpt is taken from Dr. Butterfield’s book Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age. For a limited time, you can purchase the book and the accompanying study guide at a special discounted rate of $14 (65% savings). You can also add Ligonier’s new book A Field Guide on Gender and Sexuality for only $3. Limited copies are available, so order yours while supplies last.
A Discussion with Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan
At our 2024 National Conference, Drs. Butterfield and Yuan joined us for a seminar to speak on the Christian sexual ethic. They discussed how the Bible’s teaching on gender and sexuality brings life-giving truth and liberation to a confused world. Watch and share their conversation.