Welcoming Rev. Burk Parsons as Our Newest Teaching Fellow

Earlier today at the Ligonier National Conference, we announced the newest Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow, Rev. Burk Parsons. A longtime co-laborer in ministry with Dr. R.C. Sproul both at Saint Andrew’s Chapel and at Ligonier, Rev. Parsons joins the small but trusted team of pastors and teachers who, by God’s grace, will continue to guide this ministry into the future.
Planning for a strong and stable succession to Dr. Sproul’s leadership at Ligonier is important to Dr. Sproul and our board. If you have observed the ministry over the past decades, you will have noticed that the momentum for our outreach continues to grow. At the heart of much of our outreach growth has been Rev. Parsons. Having recently sustained his doctor of ministry examination, he is a local church pastor first and will continue to make the local church his primary field of ministry. But for almost twenty years, Rev. Parsons has also been a wise and discerning voice helping to maintain Ligonier’s theological fidelity and advance Ligonier’s service to the church. Tabletalk magazine, the newly revised Reformation Study Bible, and Reformation Trust Publishing have all been greatly helped by his editorial oversight and theological contributions. Thoughtful and deliberate in his work, and ever with an eye toward the global church and ordinary means of grace ministry, Rev. Parsons is helping Ligonier link our discipleship resources with pastors around the world. These are important days in which serving the church means looking beyond just North America.
The guidance and support of our Teaching Fellows strengthens our ministry. Rev. Parsons joins current Teaching Fellows Drs. Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler, Stephen Nichols, and Derek Thomas. We are grateful for their willingness to serve the church through Ligonier’s outreach, and we pray that the Lord would sustain and strengthen them as they lead this ministry founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971. We submit to the wisdom of Scripture when it comes to the task of finding faithful men for ensuring Ligonier’s biblical and theological fidelity for years to come (2 Tim. 2:2). Please pray for us as Ligonier continues to grow and as we seek to serve Christ’s kingdom.
Rev. Burk Parsons
Burk Parsons serves as copastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., editor of Tabletalk magazine, and vice president of publishing for Ligonier Ministries. He has served at Ligonier since 1999 and as editor of Tabletalk since 2003. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and director of the Church Planting Fellowship, which aims to equip and encourage church planters. Rev. Parsons has recently completed his doctor of ministry degree at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Fla., where he has also served as a visiting lecturer. His dissertation is titled “The Missio Dei and the Church: Towards Fulfilling the Great Commission through Ordinary Means of Grace Ministry_._” He is author of Why Do We Have Creeds?, editor of Assured by God: Living in the Fullness of God’s Grace and John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology, and cotranslator and coeditor of A Little Book on the Christian Life by John Calvin. He also serves as an associate editor of the Reformation Study Bible. He speaks regularly at churches, conferences, and institutions throughout the United States and abroad and has contributed to various books and journals. Rev. Parsons holds a master of divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. He and his wife, Amber, live in Central Florida with their children. You can follow @BurkParsons on Twitter.
Resources from Rev. Burk Parsons