Apr 23, 2015

An Unlikely Convert: An Interview with Rosaria Butterfield

1 Min Read

Here's an excerpt from An Unlikely Convert, an interview with Rosaria Butterfield from the April issue of Tabletalk:

Tabletalk: What is the biggest misconception that evangelicals have about those who are a part of the "homosexual community"?

Rosaria Butterfield: Reformed Christians know that God's elect people are everywhere, but one big misconception evangelicals have is the wholesale writing off of all people who identify as gay as God-hating reprobates. Another misconception is that a person's homosexuality is the biggest and most life-defining sin of her life. When Ken Smith, the pastor the Lord used in my conversion, first met me, he knew that being a lesbian was not my biggest sin. My biggest sin was that I was an unbeliever.

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