Twitter Highlights (8/5/12)
Here are highlights from our various Twitter accounts over the past week.
Error is old, but truth is more ancient than that (John Gill).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) July 31, 2012
The gospel is simply the most transformative, the most powerful, & the most explosive message there is. —@albertmohler
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) July 31, 2012
The doctrine of irresistible grace is quite simple—if God wants us, then He will get us:
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) August 1, 2012
Our presale pricing for "Economics for Everybody" is about to end. Learn more:
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) August 1, 2012
Prospective college students, register for preview weekend Sept 21-22 and receive FREE admission to the fall conference
— RefBibleCollege (@RefBibleCollege) August 2, 2012
Just launched: "Reformation Profiles" a NEW course from Ligonier Connect taught by Dr. Stephen Nichols.
— Ligonier Connect (@LigonierConnect) August 2, 2012
Watch this short video to learn why R.C. Sproul wrote his latest @reftrust book, "Are We Together?"
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) August 2, 2012
God had one Son without sin, but none without sorrow (Augustine).
— Ligonier Academy (@LigonierAcademy) August 3, 2012
Not only are we allowed to suffer, it’s our vocation as Christians. —R.C. Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) August 3, 2012
You can also find our various ministries on Facebook:
Ligonier Ministries | Ligonier Academy | Ligonier Connect | RefNet
Reformation Bible College | Reformation Trust | Tabletalk Magazine