Twitter Highlights (8/18/13)
Here are highlights from our various Twitter accounts over the past week.
It is irrational to deny the existence of God. —RC Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) August 12, 2013
Christian maturity is not indicated by the infrequency of temptation but by the infrequency of succumbing to temptation (Douglas Moo).
— Ligonier Academy (@LigonierAcademy) August 13, 2013
The Old Testament is full of copies and shadows... Jesus is the original and the reality. —Sinclair Ferguson
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) August 13, 2013
Our first episode is live. Learn why Augustine begins his classic Confessions with the Latin word, “Magnus"
— 5MinInChurchHistory (@5ChurchHistory) August 14, 2013
The knowledge that we, too, are sinners should make us more understanding & more compassionate toward our erring children. —@JoelBeeke
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) August 14, 2013
Pray, and let God worry (Luther).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) August 15, 2013
If you take away the cross as an atoning act, you take away Christianity. —RC Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) August 15, 2013
You can also find our various ministries on Facebook:
Ligonier Ministries | Ligonier Academy
Ligonier Connect | 5 Minutes in Church History | RefNet
Reformation Bible College | Reformation Trust | Tabletalk Magazine