Twitter Highlights (4/1/12)
Here are highlights from the various Ligonier Twitter accounts over the past week.
By nature we are at enmity with God, by nature we are the mortal enemies of our Creator. —R.C. Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) March 26, 2012
Christ went more willingly to the cross than we do to the throne of grace (Thomas Watson).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) March 27, 2012
The law says, "Do this and live," but we cannot. The problem lies in us, not in the law. —@DerekWHThomas
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) March 28, 2012
If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants (Isaac Newton).
— Ligonier Academy (@LigonierAcademy) March 29, 2012
A man's greatest care should be for that place where he lives longest; therefore eternity should be his scope (Thomas Watson).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) March 30, 2012
What Arminians say God "would never" do, the Bible says He does. —Richard Phillips
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) March 30, 2012
The more we understand how righteous God is the less we can deceive ourselves about our ourselves. —R.C. Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) March 31, 2012
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