Twitter Highlights (8/28/11)
Here are some highlights from the various Ligonier Twitter feeds over the past week.
Reformation Trust The ruling motif in Calvinism is, "In the beginning God..." (Gen. 1:1). -Joel Beeke
Ligonier By definition, the big difference between mercy & justice, is that mercy is never, never, never, obligatory. -R.C. Sproul
Reformation Trust ...a spiritually dead sinner contributes nothing—except his sin—to His salvation, not even his faith. -Steven Lawson
Ligonier As soon as we are slaves to human opinion...the message of Christ will be compromised. -R.C. Sproul
Tabletalk Magazine "The glory of God is nowhere more effulgent than in the face of Jesus Christ." - John Murray
Tabletalk Magazine "Yet one thing secures us what ever betide, the Scriptures assure us the Lord will provide (Isaac Newton)."
Ligonier No one preaches the whole counsel of God who is a man-pleaser. -R.C. Sproul
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