Twitter Highlights (6/12/11)
Here are some highlights from the various Ligonier Twitter feeds over the past week.
Ligonier The whole basis for our relationship to God is rooted & grounded in grace, in that which is not earned... -R.C. Sproul
Reformation Trust We ought to read our Bibles with more diligence than men dig for hidden treasure. -Beeke & Lanning
Ligonier "I don’t know of any generation more hungry & more in need of substantive, grace-infused relationships than this one."
Reformation Trust The Bible does not save us. Christ saves us. But the only Christ who saves is the Christ who is revealed in the Bible. -Eric Alexander
Ligonier Christian life without love is an exercise in futility. -R.C. Sproul
Reformation Trust Church tradition...can err. Individual interpreters of Scripture can err. It is the Scriptures alone that are without error. -R.C. Sproul
Ligonier ...books & the teachers who emphasize a good self-image...are so successful...because we are a guilt-ridden people. -R.C. Sproul
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