Aug 19, 2020

In Times of Trouble, Run to Romans 8:28

1 Min Read

Nothing happens without God willing it to happen before it happens. From Made in the Image of God, Derek Thomas refers to Romans 8:28.


The powers that be are ordained by God. Behind it, of course, lies a biblical view of providence that nothing happens without God willing it to happen. That nothing happens without God willing it to happen before it happens. That nothing happens without God willing it to happen in the very way that it happens. It's a corollary of Romans 8:28, that all things, God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. That there's nothing outside of the control or the decree of Almighty God. When we're in trouble, we run to Romans 8:28 in a time such as this, in an unprecedented time such as this. We run to the cover, the bubble that says God is in control, He's ordered this, He's got this. I don't have to be afraid.