There's Still Time to Help Ligonier Sustain Its Momentum into 2012

Because I know you care about the ministry of Ligonier and understand the great need for the forthright proclamation of God's Word, I want to let you know that you have one final opportunity to help us meet our year-end need. Our ministry outreach is growing at an unprecedented rate, but we need your help to finish 2011 in a strong position. Sending your gift by Saturday will help us sustain our momentum into 2012 and close our budget shortfall.
Ligonier's uncompromising commitment to the sovereignty of our holy God puts us in a unique position to help satisfy the hunger for teaching that transforms the soul and equips people for effective ministry. You can stand with us when you make a donation through our secure website. Every gift received by 11 p.m. EST on December 31, 2011, will count toward our year-end need and qualifies for a tax deduction on your 2011 return.
Please stand with us so that as many people as possible can be awakened to the holiness of God in 2012. Thank your for your faithfulness.
Your servant in Christ,