New Teaching Series from Michael Reeves: The Fear of the Lord

It’s not surprising that the Bible’s most common command is “Do not be afraid.” After all, fear surrounds us in this anxious world. Yet the remedy that Scripture provides for our fears is one we would never expect: the fear of the Lord.
In his new teaching series, Dr. Michael Reeves shows how the gospel repels our misplaced frets while drawing us near to God in holy fear. Here is the source of true wisdom and a taste of heavenly joy. As we understand the wonders of God’s grace toward us in Christ, we cannot help but tremble before Him in adoration and delight.
The Surprising Solution to Our Fears
- Why does our world seem more afraid than ever?
- Is it a good thing or a bad thing to fear the Lord?
- How can the fear of God liberate us from anxiety?
If you’ve asked any of these common questions before, The Fear of the Lord is a teaching
series that brings biblical clarity and rich insights for the Christian life. These eight messages are well-suited for small group discussion, Sunday school or homeschool curriculum, or personal study for anyone seeking to grow in their faith.
Watch the first message to start your study. Fear is a complicated emotion, and the Bible presents fear sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. Watch as Dr. Reeves addresses this apparent tension surrounding fear by showing how the fear of the Lord puts all other fears in their proper place.
Want to hear more on this subject? A few years ago, Dr. Reeves joined Ligonier Teaching Fellow Dr. Burk Parsons for a discussion about the fear of God. Watch as they consider why this neglected and often-misunderstood subject is so important for Christians living in a world that treats God lightly.
Many Formats Available
When you order this teaching series as a digital download or on DVD, we’ll add all eight messages to your Learning Library on so you can stream them anytime. A companion study guide is also available in paperback and digital formats to expand your learning with lesson objectives, Scripture readings relevant to each message, lesson outlines, and questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Additionally, you can further your study online by taking the Ligonier Connect course.