Support the Launch of Renewing Your Mind in Spanish

After many months of planning, a new advance in Ligonier’s broadcasting outreach is here. Ligonier Ministries is launching Renovando Tu Mente, the Spanish language version of Renewing Your Mind, this month. A special matching gift of $250,000 from visionary donors has been pledged to help make this happen and to support Ligonier’s international efforts.
Would you join us in supporting this vision for the global spread of trustworthy teaching to Spanish speakers everywhere? Every gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $250,000, and your gift of any amount will have double the impact this month.
More than 400 million people speak Spanish as their first language. Sadly, very few trustworthy Bible-teaching resources are available to them in their own language. This lack of resources and the prevalence of Roman Catholicism and folk religion in Latin America and in Hispanic communities worldwide make for a great deal of spiritual darkness in places where Spanish is the primary language.
We have been asked to broadcast Renovando Tu Mente in as many places as possible to help bring the light of the gospel to Spanish-speaking regions. Dr. Miguel Núñez, a key leader in the Latin American church and a speaker at our 2018 National Conference, says:
“Renovando Tu Mente will be an important tool in the hands of so many Latin American believers who must be trained how to think biblically and logically.”
Until the past few decades, the Reformation and its recovery of the gospel made little progress in Latin America. The good news is that the light of the gospel is now breaking through. And by God’s grace, the work of Ligonier Ministries that you enable through your prayers and gifts is playing a vital role in this.
For example, Daniel, a pastor in Honduras, tells us:
“Whenever I give some of Ligonier’s Spanish resources to friends and church members, I often receive a common request: ‘Do you have more of this material?’ We need more indeed!”
Reaching the millions of Spanish speakers with God’s truth is a critical step toward seeing the renewal of Christianity in our day. By getting Renovando Tu Mente on the air and increasing distribution of trustworthy Spanish discipleship materials, we can influence key leaders and get the biblical gospel into many homes and churches. We’re investing in careful script-writing, recording, and editing to ensure that this broadcast is as faithful and well produced as its English counterpart.
And Ligonier’s Spanish language outreach is just one aspect of our growing international efforts, which include producing resources for those who speak German, Arabic, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, and other languages.
Together, you and I can assist many people around the world in hearing the gospel and growing in their Christian faith. Thank you for supporting this effort.
Listen to this month’s editions of Renovando Tu Mente online, on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, or Spotify: