Spread the Truth this Easter
If it is true that the cross is of central importance to biblical Christianity, it seems that it is essential for Christians to have some understanding of its meaning in biblical terms. That would be true in any generation, but it's particularly necessary in this one. I doubt there has been a period in the two thousand years of Christian history when the significance, the centrality, and even the necessity of the cross have been more controversial than now. There have been other periods in church history when theologies emerged that regarded the cross of Christ as an unnecessary event, but never before in Christian history has the need for an atonement been as widely challenged as it is today.
-- R.C. Sproul
We want to encourage you to share the Gospel this Easter season by offering special quantity pricing on Dr. Sproul's book, The Truth of the Cross.
This book surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His crucifixion--the redemption of God's people. The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers.
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You may also like to listen to Dr. Sproul's message from Together for the Gospel '08: The Curse Motif of the Atonement. You can download it for free, right here:
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