Offer Ends Today: Download The Legacy of Luther eBook for Free
He was one of the most influential men of his day. His posting of the Ninety-Five Theses sparked the Protestant Reformation. In him, we find an example of bravery, conviction, and dependence on God’s Word at all costs.
Meet the Reformer who set the world ablaze. In The Legacy of Luther, edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols, fifteen distinguished scholars and pastors survey Martin Luther’s life, thought, and lessons for today. In honor of Reformation Week, you can download the ebook edition for free. This book is an uncompromising reminder that, like Luther, we must stand firm for the biblical gospel.
This special offer ends today at 11:59 p.m. ET., so download your free ebook today. And don’t forget to tell your friends, family, and church community about this giveaway.