Sound Theology Is Practical Theology

You and I share in a high calling—to become holy.
That’s one of the most important life lessons I learned from Dr. R.C. Sproul. Perhaps you remember how often he talked about this call when he taught on finding the will of God for our lives. Nearly every time he touched on the subject, he took us to 1 Thessalonians 4:3, where Paul says, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification.”
We all have different secondary callings, don’t we? What I mean is that we are not all given the same vocation, the same family, the same place to live, or the same sphere of service in God’s kingdom. These things are all determined by God’s sovereignty, the gifts He gives to you and me, and the opportunities He providentially orders.
But R.C. emphasized that we all have the same primary calling, and that is to grow in our sanctification—to become more and more like Christ as we pursue personal holiness.
Ligonier Ministries has always been about the business of helping people grow in holiness. Your regular giving undergirds Ligonier’s mission of equipping believers to know God and fulfill His primary calling to live holy lives. A gift this month as we begin the new year will give people around the world more resources to help them grow in their understanding of God’s Word and in His will for their lives.
Turning the calendar to the new year with fresh personal resolutions doesn’t bring immediate holiness, does it? Weighed down by our own sin, the pull of the world, and the warfare of the evil one, it seems every day the pressure only grows more intense to conform to the spirit of the age rather than to be transformed. Living by fear, not by faith, is the temptation.
R.C. taught us that the only way to persevere and to grow in such times is through a full commitment to the lordship of Christ. This comes to expression not only in what we think but also in what we do. We will mature in faith and become more Christlike only as we put into practice what God has revealed in His Word.
There’s a place for what we might call the “ivory tower” theologian, the scholar who trains other scholars and pastors. But as you know if you’ve followed Ligonier for some time, R.C. was a “battlefield theologian,” one who like the great Reformers took the deep truths of God’s Word to Christians who are on the frontlines of spiritual warfare (2 Cor. 10:4–6). That’s where we must proclaim Christ’s lordship: in our homes, workplaces, schools, and communities. So, Ligonier is committed to producing other battlefield theologians who can take God’s truth and thoughtfully put it into practice wherever they are even as they train others to do the same.
Sound theology is practical theology, informing every step of the Christian walk. That’s why Ligonier continues to help believers not only think right thoughts about God but also to do what He commands and to press on to Christian maturity. The Lord has called us this year, with your help, not only to help people understand what they believe, but also how to live out what they believe.
You are needed in 2020 to carry on this mission of equipping Christians to grow in holiness. I am not aware of another ministry that does what Ligonier does in the way that we do it.
When you give a gift of any amount, receive with our thanks this month a new resource by R.C. that we believe will help you put God’s Word into practice and grow in Christ. We will send you Growing in Holiness, a new book based on R.C.’s recorded lessons about Christian growth and sanctification, when you support us with your donation.
Just as the hymn says, “all other ground is sinking sand,” and Ligonier stands firm on Jesus Christ and the sure Word of God. Your gospel partnership furthers our mission to help as many people as possible in every age and stage of the Christian life. By supporting Ligonier, you help ensure that this work continues to serve the church. Ministry friends like you who stand with us this month help Christians around the world.
Thank you for prayerfully supporting Ligonier financially.
U.S. only. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Offer ends March 31, 2020. Thank you for your support.