Social Media Highlights (06/15/14)
Here are highlights from our various Facebook and Twitter accounts over the past week.
Jesus taught more about hell than He did about heaven. —RC Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) June 9, 2014
You are either a Christian or you are not a Christian; you cannot be partly a Christian (Lloyd-Jones).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) June 12, 2014
The first temptation recorded in Scripture is an attack on the trustworthiness of God's Word:
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) June 11, 2014
The deeper the preacher takes his flock into the Word of God, the higher they will rise in worship. @DrStevenJLawson
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) June 12, 2014
Happy are the children who can say to their friends, "My mom and dad are pretty cool; I can talk to them about anything." —@JoelBeeke
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) June 13, 2014
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The grand paradox or supreme irony of the Christian faith is that we are saved both by God and from God. —RC Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) June 12, 2014