Sep 7, 2021

Send the Truth of Salvation to People around the World

4 Min Read

You and Ligonier Ministries share a common passion: We want more people to know God’s salvation.

Together, you and I can see this passion bear fruit through Ligonier’s outreach. You can help men and women around the world know what the Bible teaches on God’s salvation when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier.

This month, your financial support will help send thousands of copies of Dr. R.C. Sproul’s book Saved from What? to people who need it most. As our thanks for your gift, we’ll also send you two copies of this book—one to read and one to share.

The passion to help more people know God’s salvation drove R.C., our beloved founder. Every child of God possesses this same passion. R.C. saw it early on in his teaching career when a student stopped him while he was crossing the campus. Not knowing that R.C. was a Christian, this man asked, “Are you saved?” R.C. responded, “Saved from what?” The zealous evangelist found himself unable to give an answer. While R.C. was grateful this person had concern for his soul, God used that brief encounter to spark a lifelong desire to help people everywhere to be able to answer that question—“Saved from what?”—biblically and confidently.

Everywhere we look, people want a savior, don’t they? Our culture is filled with stories of heroes and would-be deliverers. But the salvation the world offers is hollow. Salvation from meaninglessness and loneliness, distress and disease, is temporary at best.

What are we saved from? R.C. frequently reminded us that while it is true that God saves us from our sin, we must say more. We must know why we need to be saved from that sin. Fundamentally, we must know how the perfectly holy God responds to sin and to sinners.

We need to be saved from sin because sin incurs the wrath of God. So, in saving us, God is saving us from His wrath. As Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Jesus “delivers us from the wrath to come.” Most basically, we are saved by God and from God.

That fuller view of salvation is awe-inspiring, isn’t it? Who but God Himself would reveal that His perfect holiness and righteousness demand satisfaction and that God Himself satisfies this justice by taking on our nature in Christ, bearing His own wrath on the cross, and rising on the third day? It’s no wonder that for centuries, Christians have sung “Amazing love, how can it be?” in response to this truth.

But it doesn’t stop there. R.C. also stressed that God saves us from Himself so that we will be made completely sanctified to experience the vision of His glory. As Christians, our ultimate end is to see the Lord face-to-face forever. That beatific vision will fully satisfy our souls. There will be no tears or sadness. For all eternity, we will know God more and more and never reach the full depths of His infinite beauty.

Knowing that God saved us from Himself and is preparing us for the vision of His glory gives us courage and perseverance. If this God has done this great work on our behalf, what then shall we say to these things? If this God is for us—and He is in Christ Jesus our Lord—who can be against us?

I’m convinced—and so was R.C.—that the failure to understand that we are saved by God and from God has led to pulpits where hell is never preached, to flashy personalities who proclaim a prosperity “gospel,” and to churches that can offer nothing but a social “gospel,” which is no gospel at all.

By God’s grace, we have not gone down that road in the 50-year history of Ligonier, and we’re determined to stay the course. Your support this month can help distribute 100,000 copies of R.C.’s book Saved from What? to people who are hungry for God’s Word and faithful Bible teaching—50,000 copies in 2022 and another 50,000 in 2023. Your generosity will help cover the cost of this significant printing.

Because it takes readers right to the heart of the gospel, this short book can be used in evangelistic encounters, it can give growing Christians a fuller understanding of God’s saving grace, and it can help inquirers encounter the biblical meaning of salvation for the first time. Imagine families reading this book together, pastors and elders equipping their congregations with many copies, and prison chaplains handing this resource to souls seeking answers to a question with eternal consequences.

For your donation of any amount this month, we will send you two copies of Saved from What?, one for you to keep and one for you to give away as part of your personal outreach. And for every $100 that is donated, we will distribute 40 additional copies of this resource to people looking for Ligonier resources, including inmates, those in the military, and people in underresourced continents such as Africa. This will help reach the goal of placing 100,000 copies in the hands of people around the world in two years.

Your support will strengthen Ligonier’s overall scope of outreach and will get R.C.’s classic book on the gospel into the hands of many people. You can help more people answer the question “Saved from what?” biblically. Thank you for your prayers and generosity in support of this great work.