Renewing Your Mind: Celebrating 20 Years and Still Growing

This week, we're celebrating God's faithfulness in sustaining and growing our Renewing Your Mind daily broadcast for the last two decades. Renewing Your Mind can be heard on more than 300 terrestrial radio stations in the U.S. and around the world, and is downloaded or streamed millions of times every month from our newly launched, on RefNet, via podcast, and elsewhere online.
"The response to Renewing Your Mind has overwhelmed me and surprised me enormously." —Dr. R.C. Sproul
The name Renewing Your Mind is taken from Romans 12:2a: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Dr. Sproul explains, "God gives us the revelation of sacred Scripture in order for us to have our minds changed so we begin to think like Jesus. Sanctification and spiritual growth is all about this. If you just have it in your mind and you don't have it in your heart, you don't have it. But you can't have it in your heart without first having it in your mind. We want to have a mind informed by the Word of God."
To mark the 20th anniversary, we are airing a special week of programming. On Monday, we aired the very first message to be broadcast in October 1994, "The Otherness of God," from Dr. Sproul's landmark teaching series The Holiness of God. Yesterday and today, Dr. Sproul and Renewing Your Mind host, Lee Webb, were joined by Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. to reflect on the last two decades of radio ministry. Tomorrow, we will air a portion of a live Ask R.C. event in which Dr. Sproul answered theological questions from listeners. Then to end this special week of broadcasts, I will join Dr. Sproul, Lee Webb, and Ligonier's president, Chris Larson, to look to the future and to discuss some of the ways technology is helping expand the reach of Renewing Your Mind.
"There is profound weight to Renewing Your Mind. And it does exactly what its title says it does. The truth alone renews your mind. No one does this better than R.C. What a joy, what a profound incalculable blessing this program has been and we trust that God will use it for many more years to come." —Dr. John MacArthur
20th Anniversary Week Broadcasts
- The Otherness of God
- Reflections on Twenty Years of Radio Ministry, Part 1
- Reflections on Twenty Years of Radio Ministry, Part 2
- Ask R.C.
- Celebrating the Past. Looking to the Future.
Please celebrate with us by listening all week and making your daily destination for in-depth Bible study and trusted Christian resources. Don't forget, you can also subscribe to the Renewing Your Mind podcast.