Pray with Us for Global Awakening
Now is the time for fervent prayer, urgent action, and bold proclamation.
You and I have seen how the COVID-19 pandemic has swiftly brought the fragility and brevity of life into focus for the seven billion souls on our planet. Families, communities, and nations have had their world upended. We mourn with everyone who has experienced loss and we marvel at the courage of those in the medical community. May the Lord have mercy. Christians everywhere are praying.
Since we know the Lord answers prayer, and many of us have been praying for a global awakening to God’s holiness, do we not think that we might be witnessing an answer unfolding before us? Many of us have not seen such openness to matters of eternal consequence in our lifetime. The fields are white for harvest, and the Lord of the harvest is on the move (John 4:35).
There is much work for the church during and after this worldwide upheaval. So we must rebuild on the authoritative, unchanging, and sufficient Word of God. Let people everywhere call out to the only Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, because “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Therefore, in order to serve growing Christians around the world and to bring the relief of God’s Word to anxious souls in a time of need, we have made our ministry’s deep library of hundreds of teaching series free to stream. In addition, we have compiled a list of many other resources that Ligonier has made freely available to further support God’s people at such a time as this. Please help spread the word so that, together, we can serve many more people who desperately need to hear the truth in a troubling time. You are more than welcome to share this page with others in your family, church, and community.
Be encouraged to know that hundreds of thousands of people are being newly exposed to the trusted teaching of Dr. R.C. Sproul and other gifted teachers through the global outreach many of you enable by your steadfast prayers and faithful financial support. Certainly, this is no time for us to pause ministry. The truth of Jesus Christ must move forward unhindered. It is God’s gospel, and it can never be quarantined.
In ways we are only beginning to understand, it seems that the Lord has prepared Ligonier for this challenging moment to bring needed reinforcements to God’s people. Dr. Sproul fixed our purpose as a ministry to awaken as many people as possible to the holiness of God by proclaiming, teaching, and defending His holiness in all its fullness. We have been doing that since 1971, and it is a kindness from the Lord that He is allowing us to do that now in these turbulent times.
Please continue to pray with us for global awakening. May the fears of the moment give way to a steadfast fear of the Lord. May you be strengthened by the Spirit’s work through His Word. And may Jesus Christ be praised in our witness to a watching world.