Your Support Helps Send Trusted Teaching to Millions of People Near and Far
“God allows us to participate in the greatest work in human history, the work of redemption.”
You may have heard Dr. Sproul say that. He frequently reminded us of this great work, namely, the honor and privilege of carrying out the evangelization and discipleship of the nations under the authority of Jesus Christ and in the power of His Word and Spirit. It’s breathtaking if you stop and think about it.
You and I carry out this great work as we serve the Great Commission’s purpose to go and make disciples of all nations. And here on the cusp of a new decade, one way you can assist in carrying out this work is by supporting the urgent and needed outreach of Ligonier Ministries.
Your support today is critical for extending our outreach into the next decade and beyond. Standing with us now by giving a donation of any amount to Ligonier’s work will help us meet our year-end need and start 2020 strong.
No doubt, 2020 will be a landmark year. While much of the world’s attention will be given to upcoming elections, you and I know that Jesus Christ is King, actively working to build His church. Out of a love for God and for those who are lost, we must uphold the cause of truth and the clear proclamation of the gospel. People inside and outside the church need to know who God is. We need you to step with Ligonier into this new year of ministry opportunity.
We know that both the root of humanity’s turmoil and the answer to it are primarily theological, not political. All around us, we see the fruit of lives lived without sound doctrine directing them, including the deterioration of human dignity and the loss of compassion for the most vulnerable among us, especially the unborn. Because Jesus is the light of the world, Christians will shine as a light in the world, and the church will be a refuge for the weary, humble, and contrite in spirit—but only if we understand God’s Word rightly and trust in Him for solutions to our problems.
At times like this, it can be easy for the people of God to lose confidence and grow anxious. I’m sure that you, like me, have wondered what the years ahead will mean for the next generation in the church. But we need not lose hope. We must “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful” (Heb. 10:23).
Scripture reveals to us a God of towering majesty who is working out His perfect will, a sovereign God whose purposes can never be thwarted. Our confidence and comfort will only be as great as our view of the Lord and His plan. We need an immense theology—a grand view of God—in order to not be shaken and to hold out hope to our neighbors.
Ligonier Ministries has proclaimed this big theology of the sovereign, holy, and gracious God in 2019, and, by His grace, we’ll do the same in 2020 and in the years to come to even more people.
Just look at some of the ways your support of Ligonier’s gospel outreach has enabled expansion:
- You have helped us activate ministry projects in forty languages now. In fact, the growth of the dedicated Arabic outreach we launched in the spring and the launch of a dedicated outreach in Farsi just a couple weeks ago is remarkable. This secures a strategic foothold to equip Christians in the Arab world and in Iran with key discipleship resources. The response is overwhelming. Iran is said to have “the fastest-growing evangelical church in the world.” Many new converts from Islam listen to Dr. Sproul regularly.
- You advanced the colossal translation project of a Spanish edition of the Reformation Study Bible. With this translation recently completed, we’re preparing to launch this key resource in one of the world’s most spoken languages in summer 2020.
- You enabled us to hold conferences and pastor training events not only in the United States but also in London and Toronto, bringing needed reinforcements to Christians in areas where many believers are under siege by aggressive secularism.
- You played a significant role in Reformation Bible College’s welcoming its largest incoming class of freshmen and opening its new building, including more classrooms and a large library, debt free. Dr. Sproul’s vision for the college continues to flourish as we raise up a generation of knowledgeable and articulate Christians.
- Your visionary support gave us the confidence to meet the recent explosive interest in podcasts by strategically expanding our team and resources. This year marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of Renewing Your Mind, an outreach used by God to reach millions of people with life-transforming truth. We also launched the Simply Put podcast to help Christians understand key theological terms and apply them to daily life, and we’re preparing to launch additional podcasts in the months and years to come.
- You bolstered the production of several new teaching series and the publication of many new books, including the new single-volume edition of Dr. Sproul’s Truths We Confess. Ligonier’s rich library of trusted teaching deepens every week, all thanks to your support.
That barely scratches the surface. I wish I could sit down with you over a cup of coffee and talk about all the doors that the Lord is opening for Ligonier around the world. We give thanks to God for you and for the way you enable this unique ministry to equip growing Christians with His answers to the most important questions people ask and to help churches continue to advance the Great Commission.
We need your support now to make the most of these opportunities to reach a dying world and to ground Christians in a view of God that is as massive as the Bible presents. Something else R.C. often said is that if someone donates $100, we can do $100 worth of ministry—but what we cannot do is $101 worth of ministry.
We will grow and expand as the Lord allows through the support of His people. We rely on His faithfulness to sustain us. All of us at Ligonier count on ministry supporters such as you who understand the value and eternal impact of this critical work. Unless people like you stand with us, we cannot do what we do.
We believe that God has great things in store for Ligonier Ministries in 2020 and beyond. Your support will send trusted teaching to millions of people near and far. Never underestimate the reach of your gift, no matter the size. The Lord is mighty, and He does mighty things with the generosity of His people.
Thank you for your support now for this vital outreach.