The New Testament Canon, A New Teaching Series from Michael Kruger
2 Min Read
Critics of Christianity tend to rehearse the same narrative about the New Testament. It goes something like this:
“Jesus was a great teacher who lived a very long time ago. A few people told stories about him, and over the centuries, those stories became embellished with myths and legends. A biased church council later decided which books should be accepted, and their version of events won the day.”
So, the critics conclude, we can’t trust the New Testament to tell us who Jesus really is.
This narrative might sound clever or compelling, but it suffers from a serious problem: It simply isn’t true. In The New Testament Canon, a new six-part video teaching series, Dr. Michael Kruger presents abundant evidence that these twenty-seven books are authentic accounts and the inspired Word of God. As he critiques the most common objections to the canon, Dr. Kruger dispels doubts and gives you confidence that the right books, and only the right books, are in the Bible.
This teaching series is now available on DVD or CD, as a digital download, or as a Ligonier Connect course. An accompanying study guide is also available.
Six 23-Minute Messages:
- The Problem of Canon
- The Definition of Canon
- The Reason for Canon
- The Date of the Canon
- The Authors of the Canon
- The Attributes of the Canon
Watch the First Message for Free:
Watch a Brief Interview with Dr. Kruger:
Purchase on DVD ($27.00)
Purchase on CD ($21.60)
Download audio and video ($10.80)
Purchase the accompanying study guide ($12.00)
Enroll on Ligonier Connect ($9.00/month)
Dr. Michael J. Kruger is president and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, N.C. He is author of Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books.