My Cry Ascends: New Parish Psalms from Ligonier Music
My Cry Ascends is a graceful collection of new Psalms and hymns for the church recorded in a folk tradition with elements of celtic style and southern harmony. Rich biblical texts and expressive tunes feature the singing of Michael Card, Steve Green, Wes King, Katy Snow, Nathan Clark George and Bruce Carroll.
“Music has a wonderful capacity to display the transcendent realities of Christian belief in poignant and colorful ways. We hope as you sing God’s thoughts back to Him your heart ascends in praise and thankfulness.” — John M. Duncan, Executive Producer.
This CD features diverse and expressive musical instrumentation: piano, viola, flutes, tin whistle, acoustic guitar, mandolin, bagpipe, hammer dulcimer and percussion. The songs were written with congregational singing in mind, and it is our hope that this CD will bring these wonderful pieces into wider familiarity as an appropriate offering to the Most High God as He calls His people into worship. Here is music that sings forth Biblical truth to help us mediate upon the eternal Word of God.
“I believe that the eternal Word of God should be set to music that has an appropriate Biblical sense of permanence, beauty, goodness, and truth.” - Greg Wilbur, from the Liner notes.
Hear sample tracks | Download a free track | Read the Liner Notes | Retail $15, Buy it for $12
About the Composer
Gregory Wilbur is the Chief Musician and liturgist at Parish Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Franklin, Tennessee, where he also serves as a Ruling Elder. He is the Dean of the Chapel, Senior Fellow, and helped to found New College Franklin, a Christian classical college in Franklin. In addition to writing congregational worship hymns, he also composes choral and orchestral works. He has written numerous articles about worship, the arts, and education as well as several books including Christmas Spirit, a family guide for Advent, and Glory and Honor, a leadership biography of J.S. Bach.
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Follow Greg Wilbur on Twitter @NewParishPsalms. Become a fan of Greyfriars Press on Facebook. Follow along as Greg blogs through the songs on this CD at Greyfriars Press. Printed versions and free sheet music downloads are available at