Links We Liked (8/27/11)
Here is a round-up of some of the notable blogs and articles our team read this week.
The Things I Chose Not to Choose - Tim Challies provides helpful insight on the relationship between the rise in the number of choices we have and the rise in the level of our discontent.
Is Steve Jobs Dying for Us All? - Michael Horton: "Like Thomas Edison or Henry Ford, the name Steve Jobs conjures the image of an era more than a product. After battling pancreatic cancer, the Apple co-founder has finally resigned from the company and has resigned himself to one thing over which he has no control: death."
Reformed and Charismatic? - Also from Michael Horton is an important article on the confluence of Reformed theology and Charismatic theology.
A Preacher's Decalogue - Sinclair Ferguson offers a list of 10 commandments for preachers. There is valuable counsel here for anyone who seeks to preach the Word!