Links We Liked (7/16/11)
Here is a round-up of some of the notable blogs and articles our team read this week.
The Puritans: Can They Teach Us Anything Today? - Sinclair Ferguson thinks so. Listen to this message from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
The Gift of Friendship and the Godliness of Good Friends - "We talk a lot about relationships in the church. But have you ever noticed we seldom study friendship? It is the most important-least talked about relationship in the church." Kevin DeYoung looks at Proverbs and invites us to ask three questions relative to friendship: Are you fake? Are you foul? Or are you faithful?
Sangre de Cristo Seminary has a bi-weekly blog of an exegetical commentary of the book of II Peter. Every two weeks a few verses are presented along with a translation, commentary, truth statement, and application.