Ligonier Students Equipping Others
Some of our favorite moments here at Ligonier come when we hear of the unique ways people are using resources we offer to train and equip others.
Recently, a pastor was sharing with one of our resource consultants about a ministry in his church where they use the daily devotionals found in Tabletalk to conduct a weekly Bible study. Each day, during his personal studies in Tabletalk, he would "game plan" about primary themes applicable to his group, and discuss them when they gathered every week. After starting this study about a year and a half ago, he has found more people showing up each month and is encouraged not so much by the amount of people coming but by the spiritual growth the people in this study are showing.
If this is something you are interested in doing, we have Tabletalk subscriptions especially designed just for those who are ordering in bulk. This will help you keep the costs of a quality yearly Bible study at a minimum while we all endure these stressful economic times. If you are interested in learning more about how you can implement this in your church or small group, you can talk to any one of our resource consultants by calling 1-800-435-4343.